ARTWORKS > ART 2022-2024

With Water Buffalo - detail
With Water Buffalo - detail
Acrylic and Oil on canvas
36" x 26"

Tamara went to Thailand in the spring of 2017. She visited Wat Pho (check it out...).
Thailand opened up to her and showed itself as completely different from anything she ever experienced, and so exciting.
This painting was created as a way to put together the East and the West, the native and the exotic, the known and the unknown, on canvas and inside the artist's world.
During the painting process Tamara kept changing her color palette, making it brighter and brighter in certain parts of the piece. The composition is based on circles. Tamara feels that the Buddhist culture is very circular.
How do we absorb, how do we balance the differences that exist on this earth?
This painting might present one of the answers to this question.